Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
1. Jockey Club Fullness Social Impact Measurement Coaching Scheme
- The "Jockey Club Fullness Social Impact Measurement Coaching Scheme", funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, aims to provide a set of handy to tools for NGO colleagues, with an emphasis on using templates, tables, and standardized survey forms.
- The tools provided will help to measure the project's social impacts without adding too much workload for the front-line colleagues.
Website: https://en.hksim.hk/
2. Enforcing the Principles of Community
To realize the CUHK Principles of Community, the Diversity and Inclusion Office (DIO) organized various events in 2021, including the Diversity and Inclusion Week, the D&I Ambassadors Programme and the Diversity and Inclusion Pledging Ceremony. These activities increased the university community’s understanding of diversity and inclusion and displayed CUHK’s commitment to building a diverse and inclusive campus.
3. Debating Cross-border Legal Issues
The Cross-Border Legal Issues Dialogue Seminar Series is the key initiative of CUHK’s Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law. The series provides a forum for practitioners, academics, businessmen and the general public to debate cross-border legal issues. Besides speaking regularly at these seminars, leading practitioners and academics also contribute to research projects conducted by the Faculty of Law.
To learn more about SDG 16, please refer to the UN website.