SDSN Members are the backbone of the SDSN and are invaluable resources for the National and Regional Networks and Secretariat. These institutions are fully independent with their own governance and leadership, completely separate from the SDSN's. Our Members serve as ambassadors for SDSN's work and are assets for our initiatives at large. As such, all SDSN Members are expected to abide by the SDSN Code of Conduct and Ethics.
Being a SDSN Hong Kong member requires a membership in the global SDSN network. Find out more about our SDSN Hong Kong Members now, by clicking on each member below.
Founded in 1884, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-class racing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society. The Club has a unique integrated business model, comprising racing and racecourse entertainment, a membership club, responsible sports wagering and lottery, and charity and community contribution. Through this model, the Club generates economic and social value for the community and supports the Government in combatting illegal gambling. In 2017/18, the Club made a record return to the Government of US$2.9 billion in duty and profits tax and contributed US$154 million to the Lotteries Fund. Approved charity donations were US$538 million. The Club is Hong Kong’s largest single taxpayer and one of the city’s major employers. Its Charities Trust is also one of the world’s top ten charity donors, according to the 2018 World Charity Index. Committed to improving the quality of life of the people of Hong Kong, the Trust proactively identifies and initiates projects that anticipate future community and social needs, by working with the government, NGOs, and community partners. The Trust also provides platform for philanthropists, thought leaders, social entrepreneurs, policy-makers, academia and NGOs from the region and around the world, to exchange views and share knowledge on SDGs, e.g. Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum. (hyperlink While continuing to fund a wide range of projects, the Trust is placing special emphasis on four areas of strategic focus:
Positive Ageing & Elderly Care - Enhancing the quality of life for people as they age in an inclusive and enabling environment
Children & Youth Development - Building the skills and confidence of our next generation for a better and more hopeful future
Healthy Community - Promoting physical and mental wellbeing for a healthier community
Talent & Capacity Building - Nurturing talent and advancing expertise in support of social progress
Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a forward-looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West.
Dedicated to research and education excellence as well as the advancement of sustainable development, the University houses several world-renowned, productive research centres, including the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES), the Institute of Future Cities (IOFC) and the CUHK–University of Exeter Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE). In Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2022, CUHK was ranked 1st in Hong Kong with remarkable performances over SDG 4, SDG 8 and SDG 16.
CUHK has incorporated sustainability principles in its curriculum to nurture its students to develop the vision of global citizens, contributing to a more sustainable world. Given the multidisciplinary nature of sustainability issues, CUHK’s education related to the environment, energy and sustainability spreads across almost all of its faculties, colleges and general education programmes.
CUHK is also committed to playing a leadership role in community outreaching and environmental education, both in Hong Kong and beyond, for the benefit of present and future generations. Thanks to a generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the University houses the world’s first-ever climate change museum, The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC).
Established in 1911, the University of Hong Kong (The University) is the territory’s oldest institute of higher learning and an internationally recognized, research led, comprehensive university. While recognising the strength of its heritage and traditions, The University engages in frontier research and academic endeavours that reflect and address the needs of a fast-changing, knowledge-based world. The University is also committed to developing and managing its activities in a manner that protects the environment, reduces its ecological footprint, and supports the transition to sustainable development.
Major Initiatives:
- SDG5: Addressing barriers to social mobility in less developed countries, the HeForShe IMPACT Champion Scholarship was the first of its kind to award students who have overcome the problems of gender inequality in education where they live. – HeForShe IMPACT Champion Scholarship
- SDG10: Aspires to raise stakeholders’ awareness and knowledge by adopting a stakeholder-based and collaborative approach to attaining inclusive employment. – Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment
- SDG11: Recipient of the inaugural Special Recognition for Sustainable Development category at the 2020 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation, and the UN-Habitat Asian Townscape Award, the programme advocates sustainable development and protection of the rural areas of highly urbanised Hong Kong, and further extended to the Academy for Sustainable Communities. – HSBC Rural Sustainability Programme
- SDG12: Apart from increasing the use of renewable energy and avoiding waste and pollution in all forms, the University launches the re Campaign aims to reduce solid waste by upgrading on-campus recycling facilities and increasing awareness. – re Campaign
- SDG14: Conduct interdisciplinary tropical and subtropical marine research. – The Swire Institute of Marine Science
- SDG15: Promote better community understanding and conservation of local flora and fauna, and nature connection. – Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre and Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum
For more details, please visit our website at
Gratia Christian College (GCC), School of Business, BSSI is an Advanced Signatory Institute of United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) since 2017.
Our School vision is to enable students to reach their full potential by providing them with a high quality professional education and cultivating a deep commitment to service. We believe that business education is not only about training future supervisors, managers and administrators, but also about developing dedicated citizens who have integrity and a servant leader’s passion for the community.
GCC has been demonstrating full commitment for the 6 principles of UNPRME and 17 SDGs with the following on-going good practices:
1) Monthly virtual seminar on transformation via SDGs - since 2020 (30+)
2) On-going “Cross Generation Transformation Movie Project via SDGs” – since 2018 (5 movies) produced
3) Annual/ semi-annual UNOSSC Entrepreneurial Academy – since 2019 (5 times+) which convened/ designed / advised by Dr. Shirley Yeung, Associate Professor/ Head, School of Business and Director, Centre for Business/ Social Sustainability and Innvoations (BSSI), and
4) On-going book publication on SDGs to Transform – since 2020 (20pc+)
Yeung, S. M. C. (2022). Board strategy on the employees’ quality of life improvement using SERVQUAL model: A literature review. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 18(1), 26–35.
Yeung S.M.C. (2022, Feb.). "Metaverse Mindset (Virtual and Real) Transformations with Impacts via SDGs. ISBN-13: 978-620-4-74467-4
Yeung S.M.C. (2022, May). "Comic with Sustainable Development Goals to Transform". ISBN-13: 978-620-4-74995-2
For more details, please visit our website here.
Established in the year of 2000, the Green Council is a Hong Kong-based non-profit environmental organisation with charity status (Ref. No.: 91/6063), and an accredited certification body under The Hong Kong Certification Body Accreditation Scheme (HKCAS) (Reg. No.: HKCAS-027).
With the motto of “Conservation begins with Education”, the GC aims to encourage the industrial and commercial sectors to include sustainable development in their management and production processes, and to educate the general public on the importance of environmental protection to help secure a better tomorrow for our future generations.
Major Initiatives:
- SDG 1–17: Organising an award to recognise organisations with exceptional performance on their business practices and sustainability projects that contributing to SDGs – SDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong
- SDG 4: Designating the United Nations' World Environment Day as "Hong Kong Green Day", and holding a one-month promotional activities to raise public awareness on environmental protection – Hong Kong Green Day
- SDG 6: Facilitating C&I sectors to cherish water through charter signing, equipment improvement, performance recognition – ECH2O - Enterprises Cherish Water Campaign
- SDG 7: Holding training courses about renewable energy installation, procurement, planning and design, and law and safety regulation – Training Course for Certified Professionals for Renewable-Energy Systems
- SDG 11: Operating a recycling store to collect recyclables from the public – Recycling Store – Green@HappyValley
- SDG 12: Issuing certifications for green products or products with recycled content – Hong Kong Green Label Scheme & Recycled Content Certification. A charter is set up to facilitate organisations to implement sustainable procurement practices with reference to ISO 20400 – Sustainable Procurement Charter
- SDG 13: Organizing seminar and training courses related to climate change mitigation – Training Courses on Carbon Audit, Science-based Target, Life Cycle Thinking, ISO 14001
- SDG 14: As Hong Kong coordinator of Ocean Conservancy, to organise coastal cleanup activities to engage the community to collect trash from local beaches and waterways – International Coastal Cleanup
For more details, please visit our website at
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) is committed to the pursuit of excellence in education, research and service to the community. As one of Asia’s finest liberal arts institutions of higher learning, HKBU places a strong emphasis on whole-person education, as well as the importance of impact, innovation and sustainability. We are dedicated to providing students with a broad-based, transdisciplinary and creative education, and nurturing them into future generations of civically engaged community members. Our faculties and schools offer a wide array of programmes across a diverse range of disciplines, from the arts, business, communication, and social sciences to science and technology, Chinese medicine, sport, arts-tech and transdisciplinary studies.
With our fundamental strengths in the arts and humanities, HKBU offers an education and research environment that fosters technological progress with a focus on the human dimensions. At the same time, the University is using technology to push the envelope of human imagination in the arts and cultural sphere. Coupled with our unceasing efforts to achieve breakthroughs in science and Chinese medicine, HKBU strives to contribute to the building of a better world and a more compassionate, sustainable society.
Major Initiatives:
HKBU conducted an SDG mapping exercise for 2020/21 and has published the University's first SDG Report that reflects the achievement of HKBU in each of the SDG.
For more details, please visit our website at
HiESD is an interdisciplinary research-based and innovative application institute with the main purpose of proposing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is the partner-expert and service provider of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (IRD Ref No. 12958). HiESD focuses on promoting “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and is the partner-expert of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). HiESD is also the member of the CNFUCA, founding association and secretariat of UNESCO HK, host of UN75 Dialogues, and the member of UN Sustainable Development Solution Network (UNSDSN).
Major Initiatives:
- Establish a life-long online platform ― SDG Campus to provide learning materials about 17 SDGs
- Organize SDGs professional trainings for teachers, schools, students, youth and professionals from different industries
- Organize world heritage and intangible cultural heritage training for teachers and professionals
- Research and studies for regional sustainable development planning
- Publish various bilingual publications to provide accurate and professional knowledge, data analysis and case study related to SDGs
- Provide activities for different target audiences to promote different SDGs, which include but not limited to school activities, workshops, exhibition, seminar, camp, site visit, exchange tour, etc.
For more details, please visit our website at
Lingnan University (LU) is a liberal arts university in Hong Kong with the longest established tradition among the local institutions of higher education. LU's Faculties of Arts, Business, Social Sciences and School of Graduate Studies run undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate programmes. Students are provided with the best liberal arts education through a broad-based curriculum, close staff-student relationship, a vibrant residential campus, abundant service-learning and exchange opportunities, extensive co-curricular programmes and extra-curricular activities. The University prepares students to think critically and creatively, judge independently, care genuinely, and act appropriately and responsibly, and to pursue their goals in the future.
With Education: Care for Learning • Research: Impact with Care as the core value, LU is committed to contributing to the improvement of society and humankind through effective teaching and learning, sustainable research, and knowledge transfer activities with an international approach. In the latest Times Education Impact Rankings 2022, LU has ranked third in the world for “Quality Education” for the second consecutive year, which measures the social and economic impact of universities based on the UNSDGs.
Major Initiatives:
- SDG 1, 2: Field research & sustainability solution - Humanitarian Entrepreneurship Summer Academy (SA) 2019 to Achieve SDGs
- SDG 3: Enabling barrier-free communication for people with hearing loss – LU designs reusable transparent anti-COVID-19 face mask
- SDG 3: LU-HKJC Gerontology and Smart Ageing project - Productive Ageing and Wellbeing among the elderly
- SDG 4: Participation into a consortium-wide inventory of sustainability coursework - Sustainability Education Inventory
- SDG 4, 11: Promoting scientific literacy as a lifelong skill for all – Minor in Environment and Scientific Literacy
- SDG 7: Constructing a green campus with reduced environmental footprints - University Policy on Environmental Sustainability
- SDG 8: Partnering with NGOs for intern opportunities in context of environment and sustainability – SCI3008 Internship in Environment and Sustainability
- SDG 12, 13: Student engagement of science and sustainability topics through a series of educational events – Science, Society and Sustainability Series 2021
- SDG 13: Role-playing simulation: Debate and reflect over current climate actions and campus sustainability - Climate Policy Simulation (COP25) (Pictures)
- SDG14, 15: Advocating conservation through blog entries by academic members – Natural History Collection Blog
For more details, please visit our website at
CityU is committed to the principles of sustainability and the continual improvement of its environmental performance, recognising its obligations both locally and globally, to the present and succeeding generations.
The University endeavours to exceed the requirements of environmental legislation and regulations in the Hong Kong SAR and to ensure that our operations are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.
In achieving environmental performance improvement, the University will:
- Promote schemes for the collection of materials appropriate for recycling;
- Seek alternative ways of disposing of and reducing waste in environmentally acceptable ways;
- Re-use materials wherever practicable;
- Consider the "environmental-friendliness" of any item to be purchased;
- Distribute information in the most environmentally friendly manner possible and move towards a paperless office as far as possible;
- Maintain all existing plants and equipment to a high standard in order to maximise efficiency and reduce unnecessary energy consumption;
- Make provisions and improvements to the built environment in the University to facilitate the reduction of waste generation and water and energy consumption;
- Raise awareness among staff and students of the need for energy conservation, waste reduction, re-using and recycling through education, training and promotional campaigns; and
- Co-operate with the government and agencies to address environmental issues in general and improve the environment of the University, in particular.
Fung Yiu King Evergreen College envisions itself to be a sustainable community in the twenty-first century.Students of the College attain knowledge of sustainable living and dynamic relationships with mother nature.
Through out-of-classroom experiences like eco-tours and organic farming at the RCs, students reflect on their ethical responsibility towards global environmental issues and become inspired to make behavioural changes.
Major projects include:
(SDG 11&15) Residential College sustainability leader programme: Groom student leaders to initiate and implement sustainability projects in Residential Colleges
(SDG 11&13) GEN 2011 - Plants and Civilization: A credit-bearing course for students to learn more about organic farming
(SDG 12&13) Residential College recycling campaigns: Campaigns to lower the amount of waste during the check-out periods
For more details, please visit our website at
The Green Earth is a charitable organization established locally with an aim to drive Hong Kong into a healthy and green city by motivating the government, businesses and individuals to contribute their efforts towards a truly sustainable mode of development, through policy advocacy, corporate partnership and green civic education.
Major Initiatives:
Green policy advocacy on
- promoting the adoption and improvement of waste-related policies
- promoting plastic reduction measures in response to the global plastic pollution crisis
Green civic education on
- providing public environmental education based on SDGs via social media platforms and high-quality education for sustainable development
Major projects include:
- Plantation Enrichment Project
- Events Go Green Campaign
- Short-lived Plastic Campaign
- “Make our Nature Trail Sustainable” Project
- Rethink Plastic Campaign
For more details, please visit our website at
Social Career is a technology-based NGO offering a platform connecting NGOs with volunteers, corporates, universities, schools and foundations. Through our platform, volunteers, events participants, and NGOs can find the opportunities and match, allowing both to achieve their potential.
We believe everyone deserves an opportunity to pursue a second career that truly passionate about, and this is - Social Career! Regardless of your education, profession, or social status, and even after you retire, you can have a fulfilling and wonderful Social Career!
Major Initiatives:
- SDG9: Expanding the original volunteer platform to an all-in-one Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) solution that aims to help the general public to become committed volunteers and support NGOs to utilize the latest information technology and maximize the community impact. – Social Career SRM Solution
- SDG11: Promoting volunteerism in schools, universities and corporates and curating opportunities and experiences that inspire giving – Social Career App
For more details, please visit our website at
Established in 1991, HKUST is now a globally respected university and contributes both locally and internationally to talent development, new knowledge and societal interests. HKUST was ranked 2nd in the World’s Top 50 Young Universities Under 50 2021 in QS World University Rankings. The University comprises 4 Schools and an Interdisciplinary Programs Office and multiple research institutes / central research facilities with around 700 faculty members, and an enrolment of about 10,000 undergraduate and 6,000 postgraduate students. Our vision is to be a leading university with significant international impact and strong local commitment.
HKUST Connect
HKUST Connect is the community engagement initiative of the University that aims to build on the University’s efforts in raising civic awareness and developing sustainable partnerships with the wider community to deepen student learning and promote a benevolent world. In support of SDGs, HKUST Connect offers students training, workshops and service opportunities to explore and address social issues such as poverty, health, quality education, and equalities and climate change. Students can participate in Changemaker Pathway to understand community needs, develop skills and changemaker qualities, then turn their ideas into actions to contribute to sustainable development.
Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab initiative (SSC)
Using our own university as a test-bed for research and testing new ideas, we embrace the framework of using our campus as a living lab. Through applying innovative technologies to address some of the most challenging global sustainability problems, we encourage the right mindset to set the guardrails to keep the innovation focused on providing results that improve the public good and contribute to SDGs.
The SSC combines faculty research with campus operations, community and hands-on project-based learning. Funded projects show the campus community that we can move innovation out of laboratories and onto the campus as a testing ground for results and outcomes under real-time conditions. In just three years, with HK$50 million funding support, the SSC has resulted in a noticeable and impactful change to the campus environment and has established our campus as a “go-to” place for the Hong Kong community to visit and be truly inspired.
Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong (OWLHK) is a professional environmental education organization established in 2016 and became a registered charity in Hong Kong. We aim at promoting conservation and environmental education in Hong Kong through outdoor education.
Our Mission:
- To promote the use of diverse, interactive and high-effectiveness outdoor education approaches in environmental education
- To establish a holistic understanding of Hong Kong ecology and biodiversity among public
- To promote love for nature and encourage public participation in environmental protection
- To advance and integrate local ecological research and environmental education
Major Initiatives:
We deliver a wide range of services including:
- Environmental Education Programmes
Our professional team designs environmental education activities for local corporations and schools at all levels. With various activities such as eco-tours, talks and professional training programmes, we enhance people’s understanding and appreciation of nature through interactive education approaches. With the range of:
- Lectures, talks, guided tours, games, citizen scientist programs, competitions
- Location-oriented education programs
- Training programs, trainings for professionals and teachers
- Education display and demonstrations
2. Design and Production of Environmental Education Teaching and Learning Materials
We design and produce environmental education teaching and learning materials for different teaching groups. We use our expertise and rich experience in environmental education to offer professional advice during the production process, so as to produce high-quality teaching kits for all schools and institutions, and for the public. With the range of:
- Program plans, educators’ manuals, activity materials, card games, board games
- Field guides, leaflets, posters, booklets, activity logbooks
- Video production and visual production
3. Research, Consultancy and Conservation
Our team is professional in environmental education and ecological research. We have assisted universities and different institutions to conduct various surveys, research, and consulting in different fields. In addition to data collection and analysis, the team also provides professional advice on education, habitat management and conservation.
- Advisory on education program design, planning, implementation and evaluation
- Scientific research/ study design, planning, execution, analysis and reporting
- Provision of surveyor and field workers training to implement ecological research
- Consultancy on environmental management projects
For more details, please visit our website at
Established in 1989, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) is a vibrant institution known for its focus on applied sciences and commitment to professional education, research, and societal collaboration. HKMU acknowledges the urgency of climate change and is dedicated to combating it and promoting sustainable development in line with the Paris Agreement.
HKMU has implemented comprehensive measures across policy, teaching, research, and community collaboration to support these objectives. The University’s sustainability policy guides all daily operations and development projects, aiming to set a benchmark in sustainable operations and building practices while minimizing environmental impacts. Key initiatives include enhancing walkability, incorporating passive design elements, selecting recycled and eco-friendly materials, reducing energy consumption, and ensuring all stakeholders are committed to sustainability.
HKMU’s research contributions focus on impactful studies addressing societal challenges such as climate change and sustainable development. Strategic research areas include environmental science, smart city initiatives, public and social policy, and responsible business, all aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Researchers have undertaken studies spanning climate advocacy, responsible consumption, greenhouse gas mitigation, and adaptation measures. Notable projects include examining the ecological functions of mangroves, enhancing biodiversity of artificial seawalls, and improving solar cell efficiency. HKMU also offers professional programs that leverage the expertise of distinguished academics, such as the BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science and Green Management, designed to cultivate future environmental leaders.
HKMU actively engages the community to tackle climate change issues. Collaborations with local NGOs, climate youth leadership training courses, and expert opinions in climate seminars are part of HKMU’s efforts. The University has produced an online and TV program series titled “Sustainability in Action,” featuring business leaders sharing insights on implementing sustainability in their sectors. HKMU also hosts public lectures and supports various climate activities. Through these initiatives, HKMU aims to empower students and the community with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes needed to shape a green, low-emission, and climate-resilient society.
For details, please visit our website at