Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
1. JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness
The project is developing a collaborative stepped-care service model to align community mental health services with district elderly services to maintain a community-based support network for elderly persons suffering from depression.
Website: www.jcjoyage.hk
Impacts of the JC JoyAge:
2. Fun to Move@JC
Keeping kids fit is just the start of what this Trust-Initiated Project is achieving. By harnessing school and family collaboration and assisted by technology, the project aims to develop a sustainable model to enhance primary students’ physical activity levels, improving their efficacy and motivation in sports, and fostering lifelong physical activity habits.
Website: https://funtomove-jc.hk
Impacts of Fun to Move@JC :
3. Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project
This is the first territory-wide elderly care support project to integrate digital health management technology, nursing telecare support and community care. In addition, health characteristics and patterns of the elderly are collected and aggregated for big data analysis to implement targeted and evidenced-based follow up actions.
Website: https://www.jc-ehealth.hk/
Impacts of the Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project:
4. Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project
This multi-disciplinary collaborative project aims to develop end-of-life care service models to provide holistic support for terminally ill elderly persons residing in the community and elderly homes.
Website: http://www.JCECC.hk/
Impacts of JCECC:
5. LevelMind @ JC
This project has established eight youth mental wellness hubs across Hong Kong. These hubs identify youths with early mental distress and provide them with early intervention by a team of cross-sector professionals.
Website: https://levelmind.hk/
Impacts of the LevelMind@JC:
6. Learn to Swim @ JC
This project enables lower primary students – particularly those from underprivileged families – to acquire basic swimming and water survival skills while improving their marine conservation knowledge. The swimming activity also helps students build their self-confidence and fosters their personal growth.
Website: www.jc-learntoswim.hk
Impacts of the Learn to Swim @JC:
7. Jockey Club Facilities Enhancement Scheme for Pandemic Preparedness at Residential Care Homes
To better protect the elderly and individuals with disabilities, the Jockey Club Facilities Enhancement Scheme for Pandemic Preparedness at Residential Care Homes was launched with a donation of HK$243.6 million by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The scheme supports both NGO-operated and private residential care homes to upgrade their safety and infection-control facilities. Over 1,000 care homes have joined the scheme. It is expected to benefit approximately 80,000 residents and 40,000 staff. Additionally, the HK$39.4 million Jockey Club Support Project for the Elderly during COVID-19 is targeting the needs of elderly singletons and doubletons living in their own homes, providing them with telecare, health and social support services, and also delivering daily necessities.
Major Initiatives:
- Infection control
- Telecommunication
- Health monitoring and support
8. LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project
LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project aims to promote Gerontechnology and support smart ageing Socialpreneurship development. This project also serves as an educational platform to provide training courses and workshops on “Gerontechnology in Healthcare, Dining, Living and Transport”. Baseline studies will be conducted to build a database in the areas of Gerontech products and services, social innovation and startups, with a vision to offer policy recommendations to the industry and Government.
Website: https://www.ln.edu.hk/apias/gerontechnology/en/
Major Initiatives
- LU Jockey Club Gerontech-X Lab
- GerontechnologyPractitioner Training Courses
- SocialpreneurIncubation Courses
- Gerontechnology& SocialpreneurshipIncubator
- GerontechnologyPublic Seminars
- GerontechnologyMobile Lab
- Social Enterprise Intelligent Hub
9. Open Up: Jockey Club Online Emotional Support Service for Youth
“Open Up” is the first local online text-based, 24/7 service with multiple channels (website, WhatsApp, Facebook, WeChat and SMS) to engage youths in crisis, and strengthen the safety net to prevent risk escalation among the younger generation who are reluctant to call traditional hotlines.
Up till February 2021, the programme has accumulated over 68,000 valid cases and ~74,200 chat hours.
Website: https://www.openup.hk/
10. Jockey Club 'Sports without Limits' Youth Empowerment Programme
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The Jockey Club ‘Sports without Limits’ Youth Empowerment Programme, organized by the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, aims to promote physical education and physical activities in special schools for children and young people with visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disabilities and intellectual disabilities of mild and moderate levels, to improve their physical and psychosocial health and quality of life. Since the programme’s launch in 2019, around 3,800 students from 28 special schools in Hong Kong have benefited through talks, workshops and videos.
11. Early Prevention of Insomnia
Insomnia has a strong familial aggregation. Adolescents with a parent who had chronic insomnia are three times more likely to develop insomnia than those without a positive family history. A cross-border collaboration involving CUHK, the University of Hong Kong, and the Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada) conducted the world’s first randomised controlled trial of a brief insomnia prevention programme for at-risk adolescents. The risk of developing insomnia fell by 71% over the 1-year follow-up period under this prevention programme.
12. Medication Information Platform
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The spread of misinformation in the digital era has made it challenging for people to find accurate resources about their health, especially the elderly. Pharmacists specialise in the safe and effective use of medications, and are in the best position to answer drug-related queries.
Ampoule is an online interactive drug-enquiry platform for the public to find useful health information, administered through School of Pharmacy at CUHK. To reach more platform users, a mobile app was launched in 2019 to provide ready-to-hand information to the public. The majority of Ampoule users are Hong Kong citizens, among them a group of elderly service workers who inquire about medication for their service members.
13. Therapy for Patients with Anxious Social Avoidance
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In collaboration with AXA Hong Kong and Oxford VR, CUHK launched the ‘Yes I Can’ initiative, a ground-breaking immersive mental health therapy programme to treat people that suffer from anxious social avoidance. Based on a cognitive therapy approach, people gain more confidence to cope with those situations they may usually avoid in real life through completing a series of graded tasks in virtual reality environment coached by a virtual therapist.
14. Identifying Austism through Delayed Gut Microbiome Maturity & Faecal Bacterial Markers
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The Faculty of Medicine at CUHK reports a groundbreaking discovery that children with autism spectrum disorder (autism) showed delayed gut microbiome maturity compared with typically developing children. They had an underdeveloped gut bacteria that is not related to their diet. The research team examined stool samples of children with autism and identified significantly fewer bacteria linked to neurotransmitter activities and five unique species of bacteria that are not typically found in the guts of children without the condition. These findings recently published in an international medical journal Gut highlights the potential of non-invasive bacteria markers for early diagnosis and treatment for children with autism.
The study was supported by the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Food and Health Bureau and InnoHK of the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR government.
15. Providing Affordable Healthcare to the Community
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The CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is Hong Kong’s first non-profit private teaching hospital. With a social mission to bridge the service gaps between private and public healthcare in Hong Kong, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality healthcare service at affordable and transparent package prices. The centre is wholly owned by CUHK, and all surpluses from healthcare services will be ploughed back to the hospital for hospital development and the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK for research and teaching.
To learn more about SDG 3, please refer to the UN website.