Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs – Season 3: Episode 8 Out Now

The Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs is now presented in podcast, bringing you lively conversations between Professor Jeffrey Sachs and authors of inspiring books about history, social justice and challenges of building a decent world. Find ‘Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs’ on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and other major podcast apps. Be sure to subscribe for episode updates! The episodes can also be accessed directly here.  


Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs in his conversation with authors James and Tom Risen on their important, new book The Last Honest Man, a gripping biography of Idaho Senator, Frank Church.  The Risens describe the remarkable events of 1975, when Senator Church almost single-handedly took on the CIA and FBI, to hold them accountable for serious crimes that they had committed, including the CIA’s assassination plots and the CIA’s and FBI’s illegal surveillance of American citizens.

How to engage 

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Watch the monthly author conversations.  Past session recordings are in the SDG Academy Library for on demand viewing.


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About the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs

The Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs is a free global forum to discuss outstanding, recently-published work that examines the most important topics for humanity.

Hosted by Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the eminent thought-leader in economics and sustainable development, the Book Club features monthly interviews with renowned authors about their ground-breaking work in sustainability, economics, history, social justice, and more. 

The Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs is brought to you by the SDG Academy, the flagship education initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. All information about the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs can be found at

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