Created on 20 March 2023 |
[Scroll down for English version] 由清華大學全球可持續發展研究院 (TUSDG) 和香港中文大學 (CUHK) 聯合主辦、保樂力加中國贊助的第二屆氣候解決方案全球創新大賽大中華區賽於2023年3月15日在清華大學公共管理學院報告廳順利舉行。 |
氣候解決方案全球創新大賽(Universities for Goal 13) 由聯合國可持續發展解決方案網路 (UN SDSN) 和西門子歌美颯 (Siemens Gamesa) 共同發起。第一屆大賽在中國、美國、德國、南非、巴西5個國家同時舉行,並在2022年9月舉行全球決賽,最後由中國賽區的學生團隊奪得全球大獎。 第二屆氣候解決方案全球創新大賽大中華區賽總計43支團隊、來自69所高等院校的181名同學報名參賽。經過兩輪嚴格評審,共有十支隊伍晉身大中華區決賽。比賽最後由「鋰電池組」、「農碳一體化建設小分隊」、「飲酒思源」三隊榮獲大中華區優勝獎,「海底小縱隊」和「北辰」榮獲保樂力加特別獎。三支優勝獎團隊將代表大中華地區角逐全球大賽。 本次決賽由清華大學全球可持續發展研究院副院長、清華大學公共管理學院副院長、朱俊明副教授、保樂力加中國公共關係及傳播副總裁王珏女士、香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系黎育科副教授、香港中文大學社會責任及可持續發展處傳訊及聯繫組主管陳秉德先生擔任評審。 十支決賽團隊圍繞SDG13氣候行動,結合跨學科知識與技術創新,提供了多個應對氣候危機的創新解決方案,覆蓋氣候變化與氣象災害預防、碳氫轉化、海洋廢棄物高值利用、廢棄鋰電池資源再利用等多個關鍵領域。參賽團隊通過現場創新方案展示和問答,充分展現了大學生們對可持續發展的熱誠與投身氣候行動的決心。 |
[English version]
Greater China Finals of the 2nd Edition of Universities for Goal 13 Concluded with Success Co-hosted by the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), sponsored by Pernod Ricard China, the Greater China Finals of the 2nd edition of Universities for Goal 13 was held successfully at the Auditorium Hall, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University on 15 March 2023. Co-organized by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN) and Siemens Gamesa, the 1st edition of Universities for Goal 13 (UG13) was held simultaneously among 5 countries: China, the United States, Germany, South Africa and Brazil. With the Global Finals took place in September 2022, a student team representing China brought home the champion. This year, the Greater China Competition of UG13 has enrolled a total of 43 teams, involving 181 students from 69 higher institutions. Upon 2 rounds of assessments, 10 teams have made it to the Greater China Finals. The 3 Merit Awards went to ‘Lithium Batteries Team’, ‘Agricultural and carbon integration construction squad’ and ‘SipTracer’, while 2 other teams – ‘Small Team Undersea’ and ‘North Star’ were presented the Greater China Pernod Ricard China Special Award. The 3 teams who received the Merit Awards will be representing Greater China in the Global Competition. The jury of the Greater China Finals was comprised of 4 members:
The 10 finalist teams offered innovative SDG13 solutions by putting together multidisciplinary knowledge and technological advancement, trying their hands on key research fields such as climate change and weather hazards prevention, carbon–hydrogen transformation, utilization of high-value waste in ocean, reuse of disposed lithium batteries etc. The teams have exhibited their enthusiasm in sustainable development and determination in taking part in climate action during the solution showcase and Q&A session. |