SDSN HK/ PH/ SEA Networks Webinar: A conversation on conservation: Reassessing challenges, opportunities, and commitments for biodiversity conservation

Created on 16 August 2024

This webinar will feature presentations addressing the diverse challenges and initiatives associated with the preservation of biodiversity in terrestrial, marine, and urban ecosystems. Subsequently, the speakers will participate in a panel discussion to explore avenues for advancing biodiversity conservation. With an eye on the upcoming Summit of Future in September in New York, the panel discussion will contemplate pathways for fostering interdisciplinary and cross-boundary collaborations to realize the objectives of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.


6 September 2024 (Friday)


10:00 – 11:45 am (HKT) | Convert to your time zone


Online via Zoom




Professor Jatna Supriatna
Chairman of Institute Sustainable for Earth and Resources, University of Indonesia

Ms Karmila Parakkasi
Chief Sustainability Officer, Royal Lestari Utama

Professor Apple Chui
Research Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ms Abigail Marie T. Favis
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Ateneo de Manila University & Co-founder, The Ateneo Wild


Dr Emmanuel D. Delocado
Director, Ateneo Institute of Sustainability, Laboratory Head, Ateneo Biodiversity Research Laboratory, Ateneo de Manila University

Online registration 

Admission is free, all are welcome