Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 5th Anniversary Celebration and Launch Ceremony of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’

The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change will celebrate its 5th anniversary and hold the launch ceremony of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’ on 15 December 2018 (Saturday). ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’ aims to educate young people about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and provide them with opportunities to champion the cause of sustainable development through innovative solutions.

A guided tour of the Climate History Gallery of the Museum will be arranged after the ceremony. The Climate History Gallery is newly designed to illustrate the history and the latest developments related to climate change through interactive Augmented Reality (AR) technology.

Date 15 December 2018 (Saturday)
Time 3:00 pm
Venue Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change
  Yasumoto International Academic Park 8/F
  The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Language Cantonese
Guest of Honour    Mr Wong Kam-sing
  Secretary for the Environment
  The Government of the Hong Kong SAR
Enquiry 3943 3979
MoCC5 n SDSNYHK Launch e poster

15 Dec 2019 (Sunday)