Seminar - Cross Generation Transformations - SDG Acceleration

Created on 16 September 2024

In our focused efforts to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) alongside the incorporation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and the utilization of Web 3.0 technologies, it is imperative to cultivate a fresh approach to content creation and artistic expression for upcoming festivals. This innovative endeavour will involve the incorporation of the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) i5 framework, which consists of 5 pivotal impact elements designed to amplify interaction and iteration. This seminar aims to infuse these initiatives with both enjoyment and profound significance, seeking to spark transformative experiences across generations.

Seminar Date 25 October 2024 (Friday)
Time 5:30 — 6:45 pm (HKT)

Dr Shirley Yeung
Professor of practice, Head, School of Business, Gratia Christian College
UNPRME Advanced Signatory Institute 

Foo Sai Heng
Renowned Chinese Calligraphy Artist 

Venue Room 818, 8/F, City University, Admiralty